Mexican Meatball Bake
Preparation time
20 minutes
Cooking time
20 minutes
Serving time
Serves 4
Step 1
Place Italian sausage mince and beef mince together in a bowl. With wet hands roll the mince into 1⁄3 cup size balls and place on a paper lined tray. Continue until all the mixture is used.
Step 2
Heat oil in a large frying-pan and cook the meatballs until well browned. Transfer meatballs from pan and divide between 4 x shallow ovenproof dishes or a large baking dish and set aside.
Step 3
Add onion, capsicum, garlic and spices to the frying pan and cook for 3 minutes. Add tomatoes and tomato sugo, black beans, sugar and mix well. Season to taste with freshly ground black pepper and salt flakes to taste. Allow tomato bean sauce to cook for 5 minutes then pour sauce over meatballs. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a preheated oven of 180°C for 15-20 minutes, or until piping hot and the cheese is melted and lightly golden.
Step 4
To serve, arrange a small handful of corn chips to one side of the baking dish and finish with dollops of FARMERS UNION Greek Style Yogurt over the meatballs. Sprinkle with
coriander leaves and serve immediately.